
(This page shows archived feedback. Current feedback is now kept in our forums)

I’ve been on the internet for 4 years, getting information from almost all the sources… I can assure you that nobody has cared as you care… Thank you very much indeed… Timoteo

God Bless You.  I have read/seen many a thing dealing with these topics… but none have got the mark as your teachings/EXPLANATIONS have done with me. …I actually believe that my thoughts are alive and I do create my reality to a very, very great extent.  Thank you for helping to change my life for the better. Kindest regards to you, Adriana P. Melbourne, Australia

The Jackrabbit Factor book is truly inspired …I was a bit skeptical with the subject of the email that said: “you’ll never be the same after this… ” that’s why I opened it trying to say to myself, “yeah right, we’ll see.” But they were right, I’m not the same person anymore. My faith has greatly increased and I have greater hope now…  I actually couldn’t stop reading your book until I finished it. It was that good. Now, I listen to the audio files and read the other ebooks you have given and I’m also looking forward to the homestudy course. Thanks so much. This has been an answer to my prayer. Warm Regards, Maria L

……….BLOWN AWAY!!! I AM Richard GOOD-MAN [from The Jackrabbit Factor]. I have lived his life. I have lived his existence. His struggles have been my struggles, his problems WERE my problems, and it is as if you knew my story! His wife is my wife, his child is my children – what a story!!!!  I hung on every word because I soooo related to it!! I especially loved the parts that addressed his “doubt” – because I HAD doubt at the same time he did – but you knew that – that’s why you elaborated on the subject and it really helped me!! I WILL be putting ALL of my goals, desires wants and aspirations in a list form. I WILL state them in the present as if I already have them. I WILL be feeling “like it feels like” as if all of my desires already exist in my life. (That includes my businesses monthly sales, me receivables, my payables, my ZERO debt, my 200,000.00/year salary and my Porche in the driveway of my newly built addition on my house!!)  Of all of the Law of Attractions I have ever read & seen – and that includes The Secret………YOURS IS THE BEST!!! I had more “a-ha” moments in your book than I had in all of the other material I have ever read on LOA – COMBINED!! I love you for showing me how “all I have to do to change my life – is change the way I think!!” 3 days ago I had doubt – JUST LIKE THE GOODMAN’S – today my life is filled with hope and joy. And not only that, I AM GRATEFUL FOR ALL THE THINGS I DO HAVE IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope we can stay in touch – Leslie, please continue with your work to help make me the TREMENDOUSLY SUCCESSFUL PERSON I always dreamed I would become!! Please keep in touch – I know I will! Love, Dan

Thank you very much for writing this book! It is very powerful and so very interesting. I have – over the past 8 months been exposed to many of the teachings you offer yet had previously not been “getting it” the way I desired. And your book has really opened some things up for me. Joey

The book was incredible…I have a great story…So I could not put the book down, finished it in just a few hours one night. I was at the beach with my kids the next day after I was done, and decided to test the theory. We belong to a beach club defined by huge rock jetties and good shells are hard to come by. We’ve never ever found a decent shell. Anyway, I walked down to the water and realized this was a great place to test…afterall, no better place for the universe to be able to provide than the ocean!! So I put my energy on finding those big white gorgeous shells – we’ve never seen them anywhere near our beach. I imagined us all picking them and carrying loads back to the house… I reached down into the water and immediately pulled out a sand dollar – hmmm… We walked the length of the beach, no shells. I did not let go of my focus. At the end, we went through the lagoon, and my kids climbed up on the last jetty. For the first time, they wanted to keep walking onto the next beach. They wanted to climb down the other side of the jetty and keep walking. At first I said “no” the jetty isn’t really safe to climb over, we could get hurt….blah, blah, blah… Out of no where my youngest finds a small path that leads right over the jetty. We have never, ever noticed it before. We are now on the next beach, I go down to the water, and start pulling these huge white shells out of the water – bigger that we have ever seen. My kids are picking them up off of the sand…it was so weird! We had armfuls! OH MY GOSH. The jackrabbits had literally turned into shells! It was wild. I sat down dizzy at the experience, and then realized the power. Now, I’m working on doing this with bags of money… hey, you never know! ~ Jennifer W.

Wow Thank you for a tremendous presentation. I hope to one day attend one of your 3 day seminars. Thanks again Mike Simmons

I am a retired chiropractor. After reading The Jackrabbit Factor I’ve concluded that it contained more keys to success than all of the ‘success’ seminars I’ve attended over the years. Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU for writing it! Have another rewarding day! Leo Jungblut

Thanks, Leslie! You are appreciated! Now listening to one of your online presentations with the stick men. Lots of ‘Ys’ headed for my subconscious! Leo

Leslie. Thank you for the Jackrabbit Factor. We met with Jeff a few months ago and ended up purchasing a case of books for our executive staff. This book has become the first recommendation for reading to the new Associates enrolled by the company, although we are a small but growing company. …And to be clear, I have no financial motives involved with your book …only to make this available to as many people as possible. Kind regards, Brent

Hi Leslie, I am from beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I live in the Fraser Valley an hour or so out of Vancouver. Do you receive many responses or purchases from this area? I would love to attend one of your live seminar weekends in the future, but right now both my husband and I are in new jobs and facing what seems to be insurmountable debt. That however is a temporary circumstance and subject to change and change it will. Both my husband and I loved your book and wrote many many scriptures in it that came to our heart from the truths in your book. I also enjoy your daily insights too. Thanks for making them available. Blessings to you and yours. Lori-Ann

Leslie, My wife is reading the books now as well. We signed up for the affiliate program you mentioned and have been telling our friends about the books. …We put the book to the test for one week. I wrote a journal entry as we were taught giving gratitude and feeling appreciation for $2,000 dollars that we had in our checking account to pay the needed bills that were coming up. I had just lost my job the week before and our current balance in the account was $100 dollars. My wife was scheduled to visit her family who lived out west during the week we were putting our knowledge to the test. We both agree that she should still go since it was already paid for before the change in employment occurred. We had no idea where $2,000 dollars could come from but felt if there was ever a test this would be it.

That week an old employer found out by a mutual friend that I was looking for work. He called me for help which I accepted. This work would only bring in about $1,300 gross and after expenses $630 dollars. That same week two checks came to me from work I had done months ago totaling $410 dollars. This totaled $1,040 dollars still shy of the $2,000 goal I had journaled and read every day. This brought hope and despair at the same time because the week was coming to a close. As soon as a despairing though came in my mind like “How can you get another $1,000 dollars in just one day, I would push it out and say I already got $1,000 dollars from places I did not know existed somehow I will be surprised again.” On the last day of the test my wife called me to tell me about a trip that she earned was canceled and as compensation for the award credit toward product would be given in the amount of $1,000 dollars. This however was not cash in hand. Then she told me while she was visiting her relatives they saw what product she had and wanted it for themselves. She sold $1,000 dollars worth of product but did not need to pay for it with their money because of the credit she had earned from the company. This then was cash in hand. I must add a side note. Even though all the work and blessings happened durring that test week the final checks were not received and cashed till three days after the test period. So my checking account did not show the balance I wrote for the day I wrote it to happen. I still concluded the test was a success because, the goal was achieved and “…God is never late”.  Thanks again for helping me learn the missing piece. Chris

Truly life changing stuff, Leslie! thank you for sharing them with the rest of us. Ruddy Ortiz

Leslie Thank you so much… I am now starting my own business and seeing results. If it was not for you I Know I would be struggling still. We live in Washington and you have truly made a difference in the whole family. I only hope I can help and touch as many people as you have. Thanks Leslie. Crystal

Leslie. Thank you for the book [Hidden Treasures]. I just completed it a few minutes ago. The mental struggles that you went through earlier in life are exactly the kind of doubt and fear that have held me down for years. I am looking forward to the continuing challenge of applying these laws. It’s really only been a couple of days since I began, but I feel a difference already. My excitement comes from finally being able to connect the dots between positive thought, visualizing, the law of attraction and faith. Thanks again. Kind regards, Brent

Hello Leslie, I’m very new to the laws of vibration as well as hearing of your teachings. I’m in harmony with your views and can’t wait to learn more. I truly believe God’s way of doing things is always the best way in life if you truly want to see results. I’ve had a question concerning “trusting God for a mate”. Do you believe “waiting on God” is the way to draw the absolute best mate. Or is it through visualizing, fantasizing & dreaming what we desire in a husband/wife. I’ve heard pastors and evangelist teach that God will cause the man & woman paths to cross when you have prayed Mark 11:24. Can you shed some light on this please. I look forward to your comments, Thank you

[My reply: I do believe you should trust God to bring you the right one, but you have a job to do in the meantime before the blessing will be realized. Your job is to see yourself in the relationship and to feel the love and gratitude now that you expect to feel then. Make a list of the non-negotiable qualities he has and think about the qualities a man like that would want in a wife. Then get to work making sure you are that kind of person. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend the Hidden Treasures book next… it goes deeper into the principles that will help you at this time.]

Leslie, You’re awesome…thanks..:) Rob

Dear Leslie, Thank you for your continued encouragement. The note from you was so timely. It helped me recognize the changes I have made in my search for a “new life”. The peace that has been coming, the unknowing that seems to be good, the new experiences of “faith in Christ”…confirmed as important, necessary steps in my journey. Knowing that God is putting into place the things I have asked for, & a new experience of patience, ….things will be according to his time…..I get to let go! Listen, Act, Watch, Enjoy. I am so touched ! I have been given several mentors since I recognized that my wanted changes are up to Him. Your “Jackrabbit Factor” and “Heavenly Help” have been sooo valuable! Thank you! Jane Elizabeth Hamilton

Thanks for all you do to help other people. I really love your “Jack Rabbit” book along with the others. You have truly been inspired. Congratulations with the new baby coming! I have 11 children of my own, and 8 grandchildren with 2 more coming! (I’m only 47) Taking care of yourself and your baby and children is so important. Anyway, I know we haven’t personally met, but I have felt a connection reading your materials. … Good luck again with the new little one! They are so special!!!! Thanks again for all you do to inspire all of us. Kayleen Parke

Hi Leslie! I just finished reading “Its Perfect” the Mindset that fixes Everything. Thank you for such an important reminder. I have experienced very similar situations. Especially obsessing about a behavior of mine, or worse others. I hope to continue this moment practicing the reality of what it means to accept the reality of who I am in the moment. God accepts my rough and tumbleness in his gentle and loving hands. Yeah! Sincerely, Marcia Ren-Kuehner

Hi Leslie, My life has already been so blessed since I decided to put God first, and if you saw me 15 years ago you wouldn’t believe it was me. The best part is, I feel this is only the beginning of the success that I know will happen. Thanks again for writing such an inspirational book. …take care, Jeff Valenta

Hi Leslie, I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful insights messages. They have opened a whole new world of thought for me. I have also read some of the downloadable articles. Thank you for sharing what you have found. I am now practicing true faith. I have set a goal of being healthy. I have a disease called sarcoidosis that has attacked my lungs, and is on my face and around my eyes it has also gone into my retinas. I am also a type two diabetic. I have set the goal of being completely healthy. And although it has not yet manifested completely for me I actually felt a physical change beginning to take place by just starting. It is very interesting! I feel stronger and have greater energy even though I have only been practicing this for four full days. I have been concentrating on these statements: I am perfectly healthy. Every cell in my body functions properly and is filled with healthy energy. I weigh my perfect weight of 115 pounds. … I have also asked my Heavenly Father to bless me with this desire of my heart. I feel He is so happy that I have asked Him for relief from these ailments finally, in pure faith. I have never felt that before. I also wonder if I have been allowed to experience these ailments to help me develop a closer relationship to Him. Which goes along with your statement that: ”If your situation is catastrophic then it is simultaneously wonderful!” Once again I thank you for all I have learned from you. Sincerely, Carol W

Leslie Householder is a master storyteller and the way she weaves in the success principles is so much fun, you will automatically begin thinking the way successful people do and you might not even be aware of it…a Phenomenal Story…a Spectacular Interview! – Randy Gilbert, Host of “The Inside Success Show”

Leslie, After reading the Jack Rabbit Factor I put into play some of the ideas expressed in your book about visualization, expectancy, and believing it was going to happen. I tried it first on small things like finding a front row parking place. It worked more frequently than not. I tried it on a bigger item. A job promotion and a salary increase. For over a year I had done everything within my power to raise the bar and set a pace at the company I worked for that had never been achieved prior to my joining the company. My goal was to gain a promotion to the next level that was important to me. Everything executed according to plan but before any promotions could be performed a good portion of the Executive management team including my boss was asked to step down and a new management team was put into place. I felt all the work I did was a lost cause due to new relationships that would need to be built with the new team along with the need to establish a new track record before any promotions could occur. Two months later I heard about your book, read it and decided to apply what it taught to this specific item. I applied the principles and within a couple of weeks I received the promotion to Director and a sizable salary increase as well. At that point I became a little spooked because that really opened my mind that there is something to what is taught in the book and I really needed to think about what I wanted in life because it could actually happen. I’d like to thank you for writing this book and helping the rest of us enlarge our vision. Sincerely, A. Harper

I just finished reading “The Jackrabbit Factor” and my spirit is deeply touched… I am out collecting rabbits and I am in the process of writing my goals. I am a mature actor (64 years old) and I have been looking for work in Hollywood for 2 years… Thank you Leslie for your book, and may the love and Peace of our Heavenly Father bless you and your family. In Christ, William (Numbers 6:24-26) PS. My wife lives in Seattle and I will be sharing with her about our goals and rabbits.. 🙂

Leslie, you are a God-send. THANK YOU for these. It has been one of the most incredible blessings in my life to have read your books, attended your seminar, and get these e-mails daily. Thank you for being an instrument in God’s hands. With much respect and gratitude, L.M.

Wow, I like this [insight of the day: “Every decision you make – every decision – is not a decision about what to do. It’s a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do.” Neale Donald Walsch Author of Home With God ]. Perhaps that is why I have such sickening feeling about many of the things I have to do day to day. They are counterintuitive to who I am as a person. You have to be true to yourself. I am learning that more and more. That is because of you. WRS

Dear Leslie, Your book has given me so much hope and I am dreaming bigger than ever. True story: We were coming back from our family trip to Disneyland, and my spouse and I were pondering where we would go next without the kids. Craig blurted out- “Hawaii”. Even though I knew typically this was beyond our means, I had just read your book, and was thrilled with the idea. I had always wanted to take him there, and could invision snorkeling, the sun, the sand etc. with Craig. Within 24 hours, we recieved a phone call from a good friend who offered us standby air tickets and a free stay in their gorgeous beachside timeshare in Kauai, Hawaii. Equally miraculous was that Craig was able to get off work and his mom’s available to watch the kids! Thanx, SC

I am excited to come to the seminar… Your experiences and you remind me a lot of myself. My husband and I were talking about a time when the only car we had was so bad. It had a hole in the gas tank and needed a repair that would cost $100 and we couldn’t afford it so we sold it to someone for $200 (with the understanding of all it’s problems). Then we had no car so we borrowed from family for about a year. Also things like bandaids, napkins and q-tips were a luxury that we couldn’t afford. Wow, we have come a long way from that but we are looking forward to more. Thanks for all you do. Sherrie

Thanks Leslie. I’ve enjoyed Jackrabbit, Hidden Treasures, and the other downloads you’ve offered. I’ve been a student of mental “reality” creation for some time, but you have added a blessed, unique dimension to it. Thanks again. HS

[I] have been reading books on how to connect to the God Factor for what seems like my whole life… your book finally made the connection. I am off to improve my life. Suz

Dear Leslie, Since reading your book, The JackRabbit Factor, I have made a major turn in my life. The eternal truths you present were not entirely new to me but they were given in such a clear and concise way that I was able to put them into effect very simply. I have created a success journal and I spend time very early in the morning doing the mental and spiritual work necessary for success. The change (living the new life) came only 6 days ago and already wonderful things are happening. So many minor miracles that are leading to the major ones that are in my life waiting for fulfillment. I was thinking today that there are so many miracles that I really don’t even have time to sit down and write all of them. Gratitude is so essential and I need to express it now to you for the blessing you are in so many lives. It is my vision to do likewise. Thank you so very much. Gratefully, M.S.

Many great things have happened in my life since reading your book. This includes moving my family 1200 miles across the country and then a few months later stumbling upon the deal of the century. We just moved into a beautiful mountain home on 2.5 acres. Thank you… Abundantly yours, Kathy

I have not written this note for a week now not wanting to bother an already busy mother/wife/writer but I had to think that I love a compliment and so thought that you might as well. 🙂 Thank you for your great seminar last week! The information that you provided was so informative and helpful and really so enlightening for me. Thank you, too, for writing your book, “The Jackrabbit Factor”. Reading that book has started me on a wonderful path that has already changed (saved) my life in many ways. Because of your book, and website, I have been led to other books and articles that continue to teach me many important things. I see how these laws and how the power of our thoughts are discussed and illustrated in the Scriptures even. Every part of my life has benefited by your book. Thank you so much. I believe that your book was advertised in the Tribune on the day it was at the time it was just for me! I just can’t thank you enough. I look forward to learning more and hope that you will write more! Thank you again. Have a fabulous weekend! JR

I just finished reading your book, “The Jackrabbit Factor” and put it down laughing. I’m a four rabbit woman who has been teaching these principles for 9 years …more than one of my clients has asked that I speak at a seminar with you. I had to read your book and visit your website … Thank you for taking the time to hammer at a key board and create “The Jackrabbit Factor.” The low level of financial literacy in our country is quite shocking and the more people like you that we have writing and teaching, the better. JB

Good afternoon Leslie and thank you very much for your helpful messages, I wish for you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Best regards, Fatmir

Leslie: You are an inspiration to me and my daughter… She read your book and it CHANGED her life! I had always told her that thoughts are things and that what we believe we will become. She sent me a copy of your book for my birthday and I too have enjoyed your writings and daily thoughts. May the Lord bless you and your family during this special Christmas season and may you know how thankful we are for your inspiring words and writings. If you or your family are ever in our area please do not hesitate to call. Best Wishes! Don

Dear Leslie and the whole crew at ThoughtsAlive;
Words can not express the amount of gratitude I have for you and what you do! I have recently read The Jackrabit Factor, and I feel as if it is one of the best things that had ever happened to me; I cried, I got excited, I identified, I got chills, and more. I am now reading Heavenly Help and just from the introduction (yes, I did read it) I felt I could identified completely with where you’re coming from. Please forgive me, the english language is not my native, and this little thank you note might not be grammatically correct and rich, but it it comes from the bottom of my heart. Thank You! Have a wonderful holidays season and a Happy New Year. YM

Dear Leslie, Thank you very much for this [Insight of the Day] reminder, and I see to it now that God is really helping me to create a bigger pie for me and to other people around me, let me tell you what happened: my husband is doing his own business and one time I went with him to do a presentation. They liked our presentation and the boss asked me if I could help her in a consultant job and also do some training for her staff. Now I’m preparing the proposal for her and I already have in mind all the things I want to share with them. I’m using the ideas in your book (Heavenly Help With Money Matters), and would like to thank you for giving me this book, it really helps me a lot. Not only financially but in my relationships with other people. God Bless You and your family, Imee

Hi, Leslie, I have just read The Jackrabbit Factor, and I am so impressed. How I wish I had read it sooner! You have truly inspired me and I am actually reading it to Michael now. I have also recommended it to everyone in my Reliv organization. And I must tell you that everyone at the last Reliv conference in San Francisco was talking about it! And I have to tell you, also, that it gives me great pleasure to say, “my niece” wrote it – I do have some bragging rights, don’t I?? I know your family must be so proud! I am truly grateful to you, Leslie, for showing me just how I can achieve my goals. I am applying the principles of your book right now and am encouraging others to do the same. Thank you so much for opening my eyes, heart, and mind! Love you, Judi

Dear Leslie, I love your book, and will use the “rules” in this project. I am putting together an affiliate web site featuring your book, and I’ve created a Reality book, Insights program and Subliminal Software. I would like to know if I could use the book cover page to Jack Rabbit Factor for a link on the page. I wish to show the products as books. I am in the creating stages right now, but should be ready to publish soon and will send a note to you with the link. I hope to call it Infinite Possibilities. Thanks so much, Pat

Hi Leslie,
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I was given your book by a very special Aunt of mine living in Mesa, AZ. Who I was able to visit with over the Thanksgiving holiday. She raved about The Jack Rabbit Factor so much that I had to read it right away. I quickly finished it on the trip back to Utah from Mesa, and have been raving to everybody else I know about it ever since. There really isn’t another motivational book like it anywhere, and I feel like I’ve read them all. I’m excited to share your book with everyone I know. Aaron

Leslie, a question. When we work on our ideas and speak as though it is ours now, do we still date it in the future? Like, December 1, 2005 – I’m grateful that now… Or should we just write and speak of them as being here now? Thanks for your work, Shannon

[My reply: Date it in the future but write it as though it was today. Like March 31, 2006: I am so happy and grateful NOW that I…]

Leslie, I’m nearly in tears. Your book finally made it all click in my head. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Warm Regards, Aaron

Leslie, WOW! I have never in my life been drawn to read a book like I was with yours. I saw you appear on Sonoron Living a while back and immediately got on my computer and ordered your book. What was strange is before I ordered your book, I actually knew what a great read I was in for just by the brief moment you were on the show. I even had a really big feeling I knew what your message was and it was the book I was looking for to share with all my friends. Yay! You have done it!!! I myself am constantly being approached with, “O.k. tell me step by step, How did you do it???” I know you know what I am saying. I found myself agreeing with each and every lesson your book teaches. It is very difficult to explain to people how I live my life each day and the many things I do just because they are a part of my very being. Your book was a gift, you have put it all into words and allowed your lessons to shape each persons desires. My husband and I together over the years have lived the concepts you teach! I wholeheartedly agree with each and every concept in your book. You have so carefully laid down the blueprint for others to follow. In reading your book, I felt a boost of reassurance that I am on the right path. I felt like I was with a friend while I was reading. I had a real life example for each and every analogy you provided! It was amazing. I have a already told a number of people to buy your book and a few who will be getting your book for Christmas. The analogy style you chose to deliver your life lessons could not have been more appropriate. There are so many things I could go on, but the main message I wanted to send to you today is THANK YOU! I live your book each and everyday. I have been blessed by so much over the years by using these principles. Thank you for putting it all into words and creating a basic outline for the way we all should be living out lives. It really does work! My husband and I are proof and we are told everyday by our friends and family that we must have some secret. Your book has given me a new option, to be able to easily give the answers all in one easy sentence, “BUY THE JACK RABBIT FACTOR, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU LIVE IT’S LESSONS!” Thank You, Lisa

Leslie, Fantastic… thank you… just what I needed at this time. God bless you. Theresa, UK

Leslie; Kari called me at work today and said that she could not believe your book as it arrived. Oh My God it is fantastic, what a Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First Class. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, D Fred

Leslie, I LOVE THIS TOO!! IT IS SO TRUE. Jeff (Insight of the Day: “Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.” J. Willard Marriott, Founder of Marriott Hotels)

Leslie, Thank you Leslie for these daily insightful/inspirational thoughts… Rick

Leslie, Thank you again for your ebook – I am anxious to read and digest it…. I am looking forward to receiving and reading my next Jackrabbit Factor Lesson #6. Best to you and yours always, Rick

The Jack Rabbit Factor makes it all so simple. But unlike advice that is often easier said than done, this story illustrates that it really can be easy! Abundance, joy, and contentment are already within our grasp. There is freedom in realizing the power our thoughts have to create both the good and the bad in our lives, and that is what this simple, straightforward story so clearly illustrates. Jon. PS: Thanks for giving me the sneak preview

Leslie, I thought I’d take a minute to tell you that I love your daily insight. Great quotes! Seems like the right one comes along just when I need it. I often forward them to others, and today I’ve referred a couple of them through your link. Thanks so much for offering this. Have a great day, Leslie. Joyce

Leslie, Thank you for sending me the link and the presentation. very impressive. John

Leslie, I do not connect at all with organized religion anymore. I do believe your little book The Jack Rabbit Factor can bring me back closer to God, even if it is just on a personal basis. Thank you.

Leslie, I enjoyed your book so much, it explains more clearly how to visualize the dream, write it down as if you already own it and then just keep focused on it knowing that opportunities will present themselves to acquire the dreams. By the way, I have since reading the Jack Rabbit written down 4 dreams (one of them seeming IMPOSSIBLE) but I know that I will get it. Thank you for sharing.

Leslie, Finished reading the book – FANTASTIC. You made it so simple by explaining it through a story rather than an instructional guide. I have never read anything like it. Have you tried marketing it through Dexter’s group as a must read book? If not you should, it is truly something that they could use for building the business. Way to go young lady, I’m proud of you and your success. John

Dear Leslie, I hope you get this message personally- it’s me Wendy and I just devoured your book that you left with me. I am sitting here in tears because you cannot understand what a blessing and inspiration you have been to me in my life and how I would like to let you know that it is a privilege to say that I know you! I am crying because I was really moved by the story of Richard and his family and you don’t know how many times I have asked the same questions that Richard asks himself in the beginning of the story and tried to lever myself out of the hole that I have been in. I have always believed that positive thought and faith have helped me to stay strong and persevere but after reading your book I realize that maybe it is time that I can do more than just get by. You have honestly influenced me with your positive thoughts more than you can imagine… Your website is beautiful by the way! Anyway this whole message doesn’t make much sense but as I near the end of it I am starting to get myself back together. I just wanted to say thanks for the story when I really needed it and just- Thanks- Wendy

Leslie, Your presentation was outstanding. And your picture!!!! I didn’t think it was possible for you to look more radiant or more beautiful than when I met you in Phoenix. You are glorious. You just beam joy…. I hope that is the picture going on the back of your book or being used for all your publicity. WOW!! I will integrate this into my newsletter this week so keep your eyes open. Thank you for making me a part of your success! Camille

Leslie, How wonderful! (Insight of the Day: “Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes.” Harry Emerson Fosdick 1878-1969, Minister)

Leslie has a winner here! From the first words you are gripped immediately by the story. Cancel you plans for the next day and spend it with The Jackrabbit Factor. Korby

Leslie, You are truly an inspiration. I have been greatly inspired by your insight of the day. Thanks, Shola

Leslie, As a direct result of learning the laws you teach in “Heavenly Help with Money Matters” (renamed “Hidden Treasures”) I tripled my income and my husband retired from his day job and start his own personal chef business that he’s been dreaming about for years! To say the information is life changing would be an understatement! Thank you!! – Marnie

Leslie, This is the first day in quite awhile that I have read the email. I read the story of the orphans. I burst out crying because I was always picked last. My family is suffering terribly because I ran up a bunch of credit card bills. We now eat from hand to mouth. We had to file bankruptcy because of my sinfulness! I just wanted to tell you personally “Thank You” for your newsletter and may God bless you. He already has, but I just wanted to thank you. I can not afford the $9.95 at this time so I’m reading the text on your site and am going to take the test at the end. Please, Please, Please continue the mission God has given you!!!! God Bless You, Mark

In the same tradition as ‘Richest Man in Babylon’ and ‘Who Moved My Cheese,’ ‘The Jackrabbit Factor’ dives much deeper into how the mind works and how good things are attracted into our lives without all the competition. I’ve studied a number of motivational/self-help books and programs to somehow figure out how to accomplish my goals. This book was insightful because it helped me realize that it is truly about my dream and what motivates me. I can relax and know that as I cultivate my desires properly, all that I want is on its way; in fact, it is already here. ~ Jeff

Leslie, I’ve read your book and it is awesome! I’ll tell you more about why I think so when I have more time to tell you. Suffice it to say that I’m thoroughly impressed and inspired. Jeff

Leslie, Great Quote. (Insight of the Day “The perfect no-stress environment is the grave. When we change our perception we gain control. The stress becomes a challenge, not a threat. When we commit to action, to actually doing something rather than feeling trapped by events, the stress in our life becomes manageable.” Greg Anderson Author of “The 22 Non-Negotiable Laws of Wellness”) I should say that to all my friends who want a stress free life. Maybe me also. Sincerely, Arvind

Leslie, WOW! I just finished reading “The Jackrabbit Factor” and wanted to share with you the simplicity and power your message brought to me. I moved so quickly through the story that by the end, I felt like I had been talking to a friend for a few hours, instead of reading. You are truly a master story-teller and I just couldn’t put the book down. You’ve brilliantly weaved in all the secrets I’ve ever learned about how to tap into the extraordinary power of your mind to be, do or have anything you want. “The Jackrabbit Factor” lays out in narrative form a simple yet powerfully effective blueprint that virtually anyone can follow in order to consciously create their own circumstances and transform their lives. Best, Dimitri

This totally changed my attitude, thinking, and direction in my business. I am no longer focused on just paying the bills; I expect abundance and I am seeing it happen. My costume store was a small operation, but I applied the principles taught in this seminar and received celebrity exposure which has helped it become the largest costume business in the east valley. – Barbara H.

After only 2 weeks of using the principles I learned from Leslie, I was able to double my sales from my Web sites. I would highly recommend taking this training from her. The benefits are priceless. – Marnie Pehrson

This …is the best of its type on the market today. I say this after seeing programs of its type come across my desk for over 40 years as a consultant to Fortune 500 companies. It has opened my eyes to the bounties of life and opportunities in my midst. It’s already here! – Bob R.

I have so much I could tell or share! When I first found your book, Hidden Treasures, I was looking for budgeting help. I felt there must be a better way. The book was advertised and it caught my eye to “stay home with your kids.” So I went to buy the book and couldn’t find it. So I went online. Within 2 weeks of reading the book I was able to quit my job and stay home with my 3 kids-something I didn’t think was going to be possible for months. I went looking for some help- a band aid to “help” my financial sores…. I found a cure, and with it the hope I needed to believe in life again. I love that these principles can be manifest in my life in small ways… This builds my faith to believe in the bigger things empowering! -Mickalene Thomson

My husband was always trying to get me to implement what he had learned and it would frustrate me. But learning from you…. Now I have to admit he was right. YIKES!! -Tami Porter

Leslie, I want to thank you for the valuable insight you have given me. Leslie, as we go thru life we go through changes that make you move forward. Your seminar has allowed me to take the step that I need to move myself forward and also allow me to help others move forward. Leslie, you will be greatly blessed for taking the time to make your family a main priority. We love you and wish your family the world. Thank you. -Jerry Adams

I really enjoyed the seminar; you have a beautiful spirit that I connected with. I learned that I need to focus on my goal. I need to visualize it- smell it and see the colors of it, the things I am doing now are there to help me reach my goal of “motherhood”. I am grateful for your recent decision to be a “mom” and turn it over. Thanks for spending time with me and sharing your experiences because I feel it helped me relate and have courage to do my steps forward. I love you and thank you for the blessing and opportunity to grow with you these last three days. -Diane Adams

Would it be too simple to just say that I loved it!!?? I never thought that I would be one of those people who did seminars. I am so grateful that I was open and inspired to attend the first seminar because I can honestly say that my life has changed. I believe in what has been taught so much that I have the overwhelming desire to share it with others. I had the wonderful, unique opportunity to help Leslie put together a seminar in Washington. What an unbelievable experience. What I have learned has given me more faith in God and in myself. I cannot begin to express my feelings of gratitude or explain to you how I truly deeply feel, words do not do justice. But if you are truly seeking for more and are really ready for this, I am excited for what is in store for you. -Jennifer Frink

I loved it!!! Every time I see you speak it gets better and better. One thing I think you should know is that your perspective on these principles are more than unique, it’s right on. When I read Wattles book I don’t see some of the things that you have taught, your message is unique. Thanks! -Jeff Frink

Thank you! I am so excited to apply this- my heart is full. No, I’m already applying this, I feel like a wind up toy that is being held tight, waiting to be releases. I’m excited for every day. I’m grateful for a loving father in heaven who has led me here to learn the principles of prosperity. This has been an answer to fervent prayer. -Lona Miller

Thank you for all you have walked in this earth school of life. Thank you for sharing the laws of prosperity. Each person comes with a wealth of personal experiences and connects the pieces of knowledge that create the greater picture. MY time with you has given me puzzle pieces that fit into my gathered picture. I have been on a personal search to understand the laws of faith, even written four books to share what I have learned with many audiences for eleven years. My life is changing already; thoughts are powerful focused thought on my desired goal. -Carolyn P. Ringger

Hi Friend,
Really thank you and appreciate your devoted to send down this inspiring and heart lifting words to me. God bless you. Please, I need more of these. Your friend, G Azuonwu

Leslie, You’ve got my number on this one… 🙂 (Insight of the Day “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” Mark Twain 1835-1910, Humorist and Writer)

Leslie, Well, I must say I’m amazed. You certainly have a knack for this. I remember you sharing these ideas with me when my grandma died, but your analogy really helps bring it to life. I guess I need to go write my goals down!

Leslie, I hope you don’t mind, but I shared it with a friend of mine that was very much in need of just that kind of inspiration. It greatly affected her, and she hasn’t even finished it yet. I have to push her to finish. I know she needs the message, but she’s so busy picking up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, that she just doesn’t have the time to catch the rabbits! Would you please send your revised story to me? I would love to read it again. It has helped me so much to stick to my guns, and ask for what I want. Not just in general, but from people as well. I have to call you and tell you what’s been going on! It’s just amazing. My cell phone has a little message that’s always there. Before I read your story, it said “don’t call” (I’ll explain why) and after reading it, I changed the message. It now says “Believe”. And I have, and I do. Thanks so much! Love, Suz

Leslie, This is light reading with a profound message…unexpected, and with concepts you may have never ‘thought’ of. A reality that hits many of us, mixed with a little intrigue, and a solution that resonates! Claire

Leslie, I wish I had the time to talk with you….we are in sync with many things… The idea is great….the book is really good….

Leslie, Thank you. I’m writing down all that I know I will have. I have much to do, starting with being thankful to God for all my blessings. Mostly, the blessings of my family and friends. Have a wonderful day! – Suzanne

Leslie, Okay, I’m in tears now! And feeling better and more positive, loved, guided and directed than I ever have in my entire life. I can’t even begin to tell you how bad this day started, or the day before, but I know how it’s going to end! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I love you! You are amazing! Just amazing. And you know what? So am I! Love, Suz

Leslie, So far it’s amazing…! I’m near tears, on page 54. This is hitting home. Thank god for the blessing of having you for a friend. You have no idea how much I needed this right this moment. Wow.

Leslie, Thank you… Wonderful story (MEANT TO BE). Just what I needed to hear tonight. Thank you. Jacqui

Leslie, Thanks for your candid article just prior to the national election. You hit the nail right on the head and it would seem from the way things turned out that many folks around the country are in tune with your sentiments completely. I believe the prayer of God’s people played a crucial role in the final outcome of the election. Thanks again for having the conviction and courage to share your thoughts with all of us concerning these most important matters. May God bless you as you continue to make a difference in people’s lives! Joyfully, Jim, Edna & Andrew

Dear Leslie, I just read your article “A Vote For Broccoli” in the Family First e-newsletter. I really enjoyed it and agree 100% Its beyond me how people in this day and age only want what can be handed to them instead of working for it. As I’m writing this President Bush has now won. I told my children, we should be on our knees thanking our Savior for putting back this man of principle and moral values! Although he may make mistakes, he projects himself as a true leader, not someone promising the moon….at others expense. For the first time in years (we’ve been married 18 years with 2 children) we did not pay income tax. We fall into that middle income bracket, the ones some people like to bleed dry for “their” causes. Thank you for an enlightening article! Lisa

Hi Leslie! Thanks for the note…I agree as you probably know, but thanks for putting my feelings down so eloquently! I hope all is well for you guys. Im so glad you got to go to Arizona and get some of those blessings that Heavenly Father had in store for you and your willingness to eat broccoli instead of always going for the cupcake! It will be interesting to see what happens today. I must have said a hundred prayers that President Bush will be undefeated…I fear that if Kerry is voted in, the cupcake we will be eating will taste more like the stuff that my dog leaves in the yard! Take care and visit when you can! Love Susan

Leslie, You are incredible! I hope you don’t mind if I forwarded this to everyone on my contact list. It was great to read and especially right before elections! We’re praying!!! What is your phone #? I still need to come see your house. Thanks! Happy Halloween!

Leslie, Just beautiful. “The Jackrabbit Factor” is a must read for all who want to think bigger about who they are and what they offer the world. What a beautiful and inspiring story of courage and grace that gives the reader a step-by-step blueprint for doing extraordinary (BIG) things with their life.” – Michael Port, author, The Think Big Revolution: A Personal Manifesto for Thinking Bigger About Who You Are And What You Offer The World and Book Yourself Solid, The 7 Keys To Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even If You Hate Marketing And Selling

Leslie, WOW!! I am so amazed at your book… you have a gift, (no doubt developed through much experience) and have left a deep imprint on my heart and mind… please make sure you send an order form when your book is published… I know hundreds that must have this beautiful work!! Thanks for sharing your rare and unique talent!! Thank you a million times!! Jim

Leslie, This is fantastic… very well done… I should be finished in a day or two and will give you some feed back, but for now… WOW! I love it! Thanks!

Leslie, Some books are about issues; some are about people. I perceive that “The Jack Rabbit Factor” is about feelings. It is the kind of book you’ll want to share with those with whom you have a caring relationship. Because it is such an easy “read”, you will turn the last page and wish there was more. – Dave

Leslie, Your book, the Jack Rabbit was very easy to convey to my young listeners in the car. With Jordan wanting to hold the manuscript I was reading, I had little challenge to keep them tuned into the story. We all enjoyed the plot and the feelings that each main character worked out in their personal crisis. I found it amazing to see that my young teenage children could already in their young lives relate to the desprate feelings of these two characters, Richard and Felicity. This young couple dealing with decision and regret, working out problems and making sense of situations through change of heart and applying sound principles. I was so happy to read your work with my family… I learned with them and in the process, knew that I was reading something that was inspiring. As a parent, I want to see my children learn that life’s challenges may seem overwhelming at times, yet as we learn through them we gain greater value from the experience. If they can learn from others’ experiences, such as Richard’s and Felicity’s, they can avoid uneeded consequences and lean more into their dreams and begin the process of seeing their deeply rooted aspirations surface to reality. The principle of faith was taught simply yet profoundly in the diologue –the concept taken from obscurity to pure sensible logic!!! WHAT VALUE FOR OUR YOUNG READERS! As I walked with Richard through the pages, I felt good knowing that wealthy, wise mentors do exsist and want to share. I think that as a young adult I would have put this book up there with Johnathan Livingston Seagull–SOAR HIGH, BE AWARE, AND LIVE! Love, Carolyn

Leslie, Thank you so much for the encouraging email. It was very up-lifting and inspiring to me. I was actually teary-eyed when I read the part of Heavenly Father knows my struggles and feel my compassion. I felt a difference in my heart when I read that, also my day went fairly well that day. I look forward to your inspiring emails, and yes, I will continue reading the book. Thank you again Cynthia

Dear Leslie, I am writing on behalf of my father. Attached is his endorsement for your book, “The Jackrabbit Factor”. On a more personal note. As I am his daughter, he let me read it, and I must tell you that I was so impressed, that I have been telling all of my friends about it. It has changed my way of thinking and I wanted to thank you for writing it. Best of luck with the publishing of it. It is one of the best one of it’s genre that I have read in a long time. ~G

Leslie, For 15 years I have helped people achieve financial freedom in Real Estate and the Stock Market, but I have discovered that those who actually make it happen have first experienced a significant switch in their mentality and attitude. I am convinced that this unassuming, but powerful story will actually facilitate that shift for those who are finally ready to live the abundant life, no matter what their vehicle to freedom may be. Furthermore, if they don’t know their vehicle, this will teach them how to find the “right vehicle and road map.” ~ Mark Larson, two time best selling author of “Trade Stocks Online” and “Technical charting for Profits”.

Leslie, Wow—it is easy to tell you are a writer. J A great story and we are very proud of you stepping out like this with your new book. Congratulations!!!! Andy is truly honored by your request for his endorsement. Regretfully, he is unable to do so because of contract agreements with four different publishers… Good luck on this awesome project!!!! Robert

Hi Leslie, By the way, thank you for having the courage to publish this … As a Bishop I have several …who need this desperately, you can be sure I will be sharing it with them as well as others. Again, thank you for paying the price and then having the courage to continue by giving it away to other seekers. With high regard, M

Leslie, Hi, Leslie. I so enjoyed meeting you yesterday and thank you for the various pieces of helpful information you shared with me. You are a lovely woman, and I am grateful. … Many blessings to you and yours, Leslie. Love, CL

Leslie, Thank you for these “Insight of the Day” emails. They are inspiring. I appreciate being plugged into a system as well. I finally got my hard copy of “The Jackrabbit Factor”. My wife and I have both enjoyed many lengthy conversations from our reading of it. We have also enjoyed reading and many continued conversations (and your follow-up) emails regarding your “Heavenly Help with Money Matters”. Awesome Stuff!!! Thought: My wife have come to a conclusion – that she and I wouldn’t be getting most of this (understanding the message of your books and making significant strides with the messages provided) like we do – had we not gone through the 3-day (beliefs) seminar, 90-day coaching and advanced 90-day Leadership programs we’ve attended during the past few years. The wonderful world of opportunities we both SEE so clearly now — that have always been there – that we hadn’t recognized (or noticed) before – because of our beliefs. For Example: I’ve read “As a Man Thinketh” over and over again – through the years. Some things I would get (understand) and make the appropriate adjustments to my thinking and reasoning. Some things I’d get but not know or understand how to make the adjustment of what to do. I have the tools now that facilitate me in making these adjustments.

Hi Leslie, I’m a mother of five and working in Church employment while my husband is doing his own business. Were very contented as family but since my husband started his own business we have no fixed income and my salary is not enough for my family to survive if my husband has no project. I have read your book and it really inspires me thank you for writing this book it really helps me a lot. looking forward for your reminder. Thank you and have a nice day, Imelda

Leslie, Thank you for the book. I’m printing it right now so I can start reading it at lunch today. BTW…are John and Barbara Sims Amway/Quixtar business owners? I was in Amway years ago and they sound like the John & Barbara I’ve seen and heard. I wasn’t in their group but I was connected to their upline (Don & Nancy Wilson, Dexter & Birdie Yager). I remember John’s voice. The seatbelt story also sounds like his style of teaching to me. Kevin

Hi Leslie, It’s nice to hear from you. Thanks for the offer. I am actually in Utah today and unfortunately, will not be able to make it to Arizona. Best of luck with your book signing today. I hope at some point I will get to meet you face-to-face. Thanks, Whitney

Dear Leslie, I am writing to confirm my subscription! It looks like lovely potpouri! I am looking forward to enjoying your works! Polly

This morning, [one of my friends] who bought your book through me told me that about 20 more books have been bought through Amazon as a result. She bought additional ones, her husband bought some for people at work, and someone she gave one to bought more. Way to go! Joyce

Until yesterday I had never heard of you. I stumbled upon the website and I listened to your brief audio. I then went to your website…I went to to see what you have published and ordered the book Heavenly Help…

Dear Leslie,
I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your messages. They really make my day. I reread them frequently and always come back feeling better. Your messages and your book go so well together. Thanks again for being the way you are.
Yours truly, Willie

Hi Leslie ~
Just wanted to keep in touch…hope all is well with you. I have visited your new and improved web site and think it is great! I am looking forward to getting my website complete so we can become affiliates Please let me know if and when I can help you in any way. Sincerely, Lisa

I just got The Jackrabbit Factor last night and finished reading it today. I loved it! I felt like it had some pieces of the puzzle I’ve been missing. It was also fun to see myself in the story (I’m off the rat race track, but don’t know how to find rabbits). I sat down to start writing my goals and realized I have a question for you. I have three short term goals (being thin, some home improvements, and a grand piano) and two long term goals (paying off our house and being a best-selling author). Do I set all five goals simultaneously with different dates for each one and read them each every day? Or do I pick my biggest goal and concentrate on that? Or do I put them all under one date? Thanks for writing the book! I have three young kids so I can imagine the sacrifice it was for you to write it. As an interesting side note, I am LDS and I live in Queen Creek. But I was actually referred to your book by a Buddhist who lives in Colorado! Thanks again for all your help! Alisa

Dear Leslie,
Thank you so much for the ebook. I learned a lot from it. I do hope and pray that I will have my own financial breaktrhoughs. I’ve been financially broke ever since I could remember. I have five siblings and I’m the only one who embraced the Christian Full Gospel faith, the rest are Catholics but they are all prosperous while I am poor, financially dependent. Troubles come and go for me and its a miracle I am free, not in jail. I’ve been running away from my creditors. And since I’ve been like that, my siblings don’t help me anymore. They see me as hopeless. I am married, we have two sons. Both my husband and I have been in and out of job. I’ve really been questioning God what’s wrong. I’ve been casting out curses in my family and my life since I was a child. And I’ve been trying to recall in my childhood of anything to do with my troubles now. But I could not recall any. Nevertheless, I still did some inner healing and breaking of curses if any. Blessings do come at one time or another, thank God. or I would have gone crazy. But blessings don’t last long. They fade away. I sent you this email because as I read your book, I could relate to your old life, too. You might be able to help me. Am practicing the principles in your ebook. I was able to read Wallace’s The Science of Getting Rich a month before I came to know your book. Thanks so much. God bless you for your ministry which is very timely especially here in the Phils. Thanks, Arcelli

Hi Leslie, you have a real down to earth and helpful site and the tone is humble and sincere and inspiring. Great, congratulations! Thank you for your time…and WARMEST REGARDS! Have a great day…every day of your life! Dr. Mohan

Congrats on your upcoming book signing!!!! I’m sorry but I don’t live close to Phoenix- as you well know. :- ) Hope all is well with you and yours… Stella

Dear Leslie;
Just the other day I was setting at the computer reading your thoughts of the day and writing down, in detail, my goals for my business plans. A week or so before, I had taken my picture with a digital camera to put on some of my advertising for my business. I put this same picture on my computer desktop, why? I don’t know, just playing around I guess. To my amazement, looking at this picture made me look at myself in a totally different but positive way. As I was writing down my goals and looking at this picture at the same time, I had no doubt that this man is a successful man and will not only reach his goals but exceed them beyond his own dreams. I guess that you can say that “seeing is really believing”. Thanks for your support, Tom

Thanks much for your thanks, Leslie. So appreciate your good words … Just started reading your “Jackrabbit Factor.” I’m sure it will be a satisfying journey. And I very much look forward to seeing you later this month. Love and blessings to you, CLP

Yes, Leslie. Thank you very much. I appreciate it very much. I will be submitting my goal for your review based on the principles by Sat at the latest. I hope to absorb my goal quickly so that I am taking right actions that will quickly turn around the results in my life. And actually meet a big transforming goal and set another. Ultimately providing the service and live the life I have always felt I am supposed to be. I am so thankful you wrote this book and that you took the time to answer my email. I look forward to more wisdom, J

Hi Leslie,
Thank you very much for writing this book! It is very powerful and so very interesting. I have – over the past 8 months been exposed to many of the teachings you offer yet had previously not been “getting it” the way I desired. And your book has really opened some things up for me. It has also brought up a question that I am wrestling with. I am going to use your service of goal setting review – I am so grateful that you are offering this – thank you! At the same time I have a question on how to start or a clarification I am asking- if you will answer – so that I can maximize this experience. I am willing to do whatever is required to get the information. It may help if I explain. 9 months ago I lost my job very suddenly – in fact was supposed to retire financially free and instead lost my job. I had been working from home the primary bread winner. I had a baby I had waited to have until I thought I was secure. And then no money – and baby that I was determined I would stay home with and still be prosperous. And this time really be prosperous and have my own mission if you will. I looked in the paper and as I was feeling so sad about possibly having to settle for a medicore job and not be with [my daughter] – I became so clear on what I wanted to be with her… and right then I saw an ad for a business opportunity that I joined. So do I take that as the sign like the pen and paper appearing? Through joining this business I became immediately exposed to these lessons you write of. And then led to you and your book. I am very grateful for this journey I am on. At the same time my business has not taken off. And I have been struggling and now I am financially at a bizarre place. I seem to come close each week to breaking through and growing my team and then it does not happen. And after 8 months I know that there is something that I am not doing right – and after reading your book I know this to be true. thus the questions that follow… And yet I know that it won’t always be so and in fact is ending very very soon. I will be wealthy and I will be flourishing with my daughter and my husband. (in fact I’ve felt a little crazy since the evidence seems stacked against me from past results) I have been asking for guidance in understanding and then was led to your book – felt possessed to go on your site and then found your goal setting form – wanted to ask you a question adn then saw the contact button and know here I sit about to ask you as clearly as I can from my fledgling standpoint. So…. my question is when I set my goal…do I set my goal on the end result I want and include also success in this business I am in? Or do I set the other aspects of the goal in relation to time with family money service experiences I want to have… and just let the business succeed if that is the means or let something else come in to guide me there quickly? I mean can I choose the vehicle? For example can I say I will have so many sales per month or change so many lives with this opportunity and experience this level of success in this business because…and then my why? Is the rabbit the business or vehicle or is that the how? Is my why the rabbit or is that what I am getting the rabbit for? Is the rabbit money or the vehicle to get the money to live the lifestyle and have the experiences? I am so thankful for your time and consideration in answering this email I am looking forward to working with you.

Well, Leslie, I presented your book tonight… Wish you would have been there to do it. I struggled getting it started but we had some great discussion… You’ve got [them] all fired up. Thanks for writing the book. Hey, if you get the church news, there’s a great article on the back cover today that talks about having positive thoughts. One of the sisters brought it and it went well with the class. JP

Just had to check out your website and it’s great. I will let you know how I enjoy the book, looks very interesting. Brett

Hi Leslie,
Thank you for your gentle reminder. I took the opportunity to hear you and have receive more insight into the Laws which govern prosperity. Yes, you are on point; your wisdom bear witness in my heart of this truth. I am exploring all that God has assigned to my hands, which is huge. I am also discovering to longer separate myself into fragments and pieces; but call the pieces of me whole and gather the fragments; dedicate myself to God; and be taught how to prosper God’s way. When I made the decision and spoke it; the Conference was held online. So I have unsubscribed from all the other voices to focus on all God has place here, through Marnie, for us…all who would remain teachable, of course. Thank God for you and others who are open and honest; it makes a difference. Especially, when coming from a background of abuse in every form. I had to learn to open up my heart and trust again through empowered love: the Love of God. Here is the definition of an Exhortation Guru based on my God-given purpose and passion to encourage and empower. Exhortation guru: a master teacher who offer encouragement, wise counsel, passionate support, and empowerment by helping people; especially women, realize their potential; and accept the gifts and skills (hidden champion) within to access and tap into their purpose. That by disarming darkness, ignorance and fear of the heart and mind; they can learn to feel good about themselves, build confidence, and actually see self-success; rather than constant discouragement or cycles of failure and frustration. The ironic thing is that I have been exhorting people all my life, as a form of ministry or service. Now how do I do it for profit? …and feel good about it, ha! I am now asking, seeking, and knocking for wisdom to transform my passion Exhortation Guru into a lucrative creative business. Peace & Blessing with much love, Nikki
PS: I will continue reading (smile)

Hello Leslie,
Thank you for responding to me so quickly. I will make a point to read AS A MAN THINKETH this week. And thank you for the website information. Many thanks, I’ll be in touch soon. Warm regards, Max

Hello Leslie!
I have not yet read As A Man Thinketh, but have full intention to do so. I have written what I want, that was fairly easy. FYI, I am disabled with a chronic muscle pain illness named Fibromyalgia. I have been out of work for 7 years, the first 3 crying and sleeping, the next 3 trying medications and finding ones that had side effects I could tolerate. Now, this year, I have become fairly stable, but still take strong pain medication. This has severely limited my ability to read and RETAIN, however, this year I have decided to do the best I can and to keep at it until I was able to read as much as I used to (often 2 books a day). I have found so much wonderful healing information from thoughtsalive and a couple of other websites that I have compiled a large supply of ebooks to read. I am excited, however, to have the opportunity to finally start to “wake-up” from illness hell and am ready to make some major changes in my attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and to allow these changes to improve my life to the highest possible level. Last night, I read a 200 page book, cover to cover!!! It was the first time in SEVEN years! So, I may be a little slow in catching up on my unread ebooks, but I am committed and I will do it. Thank you for offering some wonderful material to help me on my journey to an abundance of happiness, love, money and peace. With fond regards, Max

I would like to promote your book on my monthly Ezine. I am going to be finishing up the Ezine by tomorrow. I know this is last minute but as I was working on my information I thought of how much my readers would enjoy reading your book. Wondering if you have any type of affiliate program set up for any of your eProducts? I will be promoting the Jack Rabbit Factor but figure if I am doing that I can promote other items of yours at the same time. Kathleen

Leslie, I must say I enjoyed your book immensely. I have read MANY books, but I have to admit I have a problem. For as many books as I have bought, I have NEVER EVER finished one since I was a kid. Your book MADE me read the whole thing or I’d still be picking up little sandwiches. Thank you for a great reading. I impressed myself. I read it in one My 12 year old son will be reading it next. Thanks again, Sean

What a great book!!! Readable, understandable, and able to jump tall assumptions I have had about the world of money in a single bound. Wow! And then to be able to write to the folks who bought your book for comments or feedback. An even bigger Wow!!! That’s what is stopping me in my tracks about putting up my website of reflection which I keep talking about to everyone but always somehow never take the time to do the work to get the website up. How do I break through the block of fearing criticism? How do I know if the website will be good enough? How, How, How do I find the internal fortitude to go on in spite of those small voices in my head nay saying everything I do and keeping me stuck in accepting the mediocre and a less-than life for myself? And worse, how to I write a goal statement knowing what I know about myself or even sitting down and writing to you to say I need help? I guess I just did ask you for help by getting your wonderful book and I am open to any suggestions you have to offer. Just realize I am scared of proceeding to far along the path into the woods after the rabbits….I just want to sit quietly and wait for them to come into my garden. I have a hunch that doesn’t work so well but…..that’s my expectation. I haven’t gone to your website yet to look at your wonderful offer more closely because I know that I will say that I am too far in debt (I am), that I have no time to study (that’s true too), that I am terrified of saying those four words — (1) I do not know and (2) can you help me? I would like to get my website up and running soon so I can start to post my own thoughts to help people calm themselves when they are in despair but I have a sneaking feeling that I need to be stronger internally before I take the plunge. However, seeing your email just energized me enough to write without looking first. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Namaste, S

Hi Leslie,
Well, I finished your book. That in and of itself indicates how much you kept my attention. You see, I often read 4 or 5 books at a time and rarely finish any of them. Yours kept my attention all the way to the end. I really liked the section in the back where Rich explains to his son how to write out goals. You really hit the mark with that. I am going to be working on some goals today around my physical well being and getting to my ideal weight and will use the process you outlined. (oops, I mean Rich outlined – J ) Great job. My best to your continued success. Kathleen

Thank you for accepting my subscription, and I am looking forward to growing up with inputs from your end. Best regard, Johnson

Hi Leslie,
I look forward to our conversations. The best of luck to you and your family in this up and coming exciting time in your life! It is exciting isn’t it!! Have a great weekend! Lisa

Hi Leslie!
WOW! Small world! I am amazed at the similarities! … Our similar backgrounds must have been good for us. I am often in the Valley. Mostly without making plans to be. I would love to meet you even if it were briefly. I would be willing to make plans. I just got off the phone with a friend in Boise that I just recommended your book to. She and I left California at the same time and attempted similar goals. She is quite unhappy right now with the outcome and was confiding in me with her frustrations. I immediately told her about your book. She said she will get online and order it… I am not exactly sure why I have been so pressed to contact you, but I am sure like you we will be friends for a long time. Lisa

Hi Leslie!
I am so glad I could let you know it was not a flop! I was definitely getting what you were saying. I guess that is why I knew the message your book had was for me. I was frustrated with the interviewer almost trying to get the “secret” out of you in 3 minutes! I did hear what you were saying though and that is why I had to read your book… There is so much that I haven’t said. Your book just keep hitting home page after page. All the concepts were concepts [we] live by. Your book serves as a reminder some of those precious principals. It puts it where we can see it. I actually better understand how I got here. … Thank you so much for your e-mail… I recognize greatness in you, please don’t get discouraged! You never know who you are changing!!!!!! This book is amazing. It is so unique in the manner in which is written. It is so easily understood. Well Done! L

Hi Leslie,
I’m still reading the ebook of “The Science of Getting Rich”, I printed it out. I’m in the process of printing the one of “Heavenly Help with Money Matters. The Science of Getting Rich is a little confusing to me and some what hard to understand. I’m up to reading Chapter 5 in it, so maybe as I go along it will start to make more sense to me. I can’t wait to start reading “Heavenly Help with Money Matters”. I enjoy reading your articles on your web site also. It gives me much to think about, especially in my financial situation. Thanks for everything. Cynthia

Hi Leslie,
I’m checking in to see where you are at with the PR battle. Let me know if I can help at all. I was re-reading the back of your book again and I had a HUGE idea….I’m getting more and more excited about it…and when it happens it is inspired by you. I want to give away 10 times my income to charity next year. We’ll have to talk soon and I’ ll share how I’m going to make it happen! Keep smiling! Wayne

Hi Leslie,
Well, I’m just about done with your book. It is excellent. I love the storyline. Kathleen

Can you ship me 20 more? Jeesh! Some of these people bought books yesterday, so they want MORE, MORE, MORE! LOL. I don’t have the money in paypal right now. I can get it transferred later today – on my way to the airport right now – or I can mail a check and you can avoid the fees. I’d just like to get the books asap so they can all read them before Nov. 1. Let me know. JP

It looks like they’ve already got 20 of them sold. Let’s hold off until tomorrow and see how many more come in. I’m guessing I’ll need at least 25 – maybe 30. If you send them 2 day priority, you can actually hold off until Wed or Thurs. Yes, I should be your publicist… I just hope I can do it justice!!! Joyce

I heard about your book a couple of weeks ago and ordered it through Amazon. As soon as it came, I read it and absolutely love it!! …I just finished the book Saturday afternoon so I haven’t had time yet for a success story, but while I was still excited I wanted to let you know that your book applies to my situation. I’m part of a self-improvement book club and your book is definitely one we’re reading soon!! Thank you so much for sharing what you’ve learned. I’m just beginning my journey and I’m so excited to see what’s in store for me! I feel alive for the first time in years and since I have two little ones, that’s a great thing!! I’m ready to get started. Thanks again, Melanie

Got the books yesterday… and sold every one of them! In fact, it looks like I’m going to need 10 more. You’re definitely on the best seller list in our [group]! I’ll have to take a picture of the huge poster they’re using to promote the book. You’re a celebrity! I thought I was going to be doing a book review, but looks like everyone is going to read it and we’re going to discuss. I want to read it again before then so it’s all fresh on my mind. My husband is going to be in Phoenix this week, but I know it’s a big city. He’s actually going to be there to take his brother to Mayo Clinic. You’re probably on the other side of town. I guess the best thing to do is ship me the others. We’ve sent out another email to see if there are any other orders. Everyone’s excited about the book. Thanks, Leslie! Appreciate the rush order the first time, and will get this other order to you hopefully tomorrow. JP

I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your talk on Hidden Treasures. It was uplifting and inspiring. Our family is going though some very had financial difficulties right now, with no light at the end of the tunnel. But listening to your talk gave me a bit of hope. We …try very hard to obey the commandments of our belief. But sometimes it seems that Heavenly Father is not listening to our prayers. Or maybe we are just not praying right. How is it possible to hold to our faith, when all I feel is doubt and fear. How do I change my thinking and feelings from fear & doubt????? I’m going to try the things that you suggested in your talk. Thank you, CS

Leslie, About Your Masterpiece: I’ve read your book and it is awesome! I’ll tell you more about why I think so when I have more time to tell you. Suffice it to say that I’m thoroughly impressed and inspired. Jeff

I like the new look of your web page. It certainly punches up the Jackrabbit with all the free goodies. Lorin, my colleague at work, finished your jackrabbit last weekend. He says he’s thinking about some profound changes in his life. His son will return from Iraq in just over a week. One thing I’ve come to understand with our web site is founded in the jackrabbit theory. So long as I provide solid value without worrying about milking the unwashed public for every nickel, the rest will take care of itself. For whatever that’s worth, I need you to teach me how to make it work better.

Is this a good start? It is making me feel better. What I want in life? I can see everything I ever wanted and had it in my hands and did nothing with it and lost it all. I was holding all the rabbits I needed and let them get away. What am I supposed to Do? I have lost everything I ever wanted… how do I get it back, or is it gone for good? Where do I go from here? How can I change? How do I act on or get what I see my life to be? Am I doing this for me or my kids or am I trying to get my family back? Should I write down what I see my future is or do I need new dreams? How can I look to the future? I see my past and don’t understand why I did nothing to reach my dreams. I feel it is all or nothing with my kids (meaning in their lives or run away and out of their lives) how can I change this? I love my kids more than anything. I am not trying to scare anybody. I am asking for help to get through this part of my life. JS

Hi my name is John and I just finished the Jackrabbit Factor I am a father of three children and have been separated for two years. I have been trying to hold on to her and my kids but she has just started to date again I have been living on credit and will likely have to file Bankruptcy. I want to believe but do not know where to start. I am in the lowest part of my life; nothing I do seems to make it any better I could go on and on but you get my point. So I am asking for some guidance from MIS. Householder Regards, JOHN

If Leslie reads these, I just wanted to say it was nice meeting you at the SGR Seminar in Vegas, and I loved your book! I purchased it from you at the seminar, and I started it in the airport on the way home, and couldn’t put it down until I finished it that night right before bed. Thanks again Leslie, you’ve produced quite a gem here. It was so good to read about some of the principles from the SGR, and in such a fun way. Through Faith and by Law, *Mani

I met you this last weekend at Bob Proctor in Vegas. We had a wonderful conversation and you signed the book I purchased. I read it and loved it and just wanted to talk to you again. If you get a chance, please give me a call. Thanks. Warmly, Kelly

Leslie, Hi!
I just finished reading your book (the pdf, while I am waiting for the “real” one to ship from Amazon) and I must say that I really liked it. It is simple and profound at the same time, food for thought that reads like a novel. I am definitely happy I happened on your site from one of the newsletter I am subscribed to (but I can’t remember which one) because now I can see many things from a different perspective. I would also like to be taken into consideration for translating it into Italian, should you be interested in entering the international market – both with an ebook and a published one. I am an Italian freelance translator and I would welcome the possibility of translating your wonderful book into my mother tongue. Please feel free to contact me should you be interested in such a project, I would definitely like to discuss it. Best regards, Gabriella

I … wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying your book. I’m only on page 35 but I enjoy your writing style. Often I find tales about people to be too syrup-ie (I know that isn’t a word) and I have to struggle around trite words to get to the message. Your writing is realistic. I am hoping to finish it quickly not only for the message but also because I’m eager to share this with several associates. I hope it opens some doors for you. Thank you for coming last week and letting me help you begin your dream. I was touched by your heartfelt desire. I feel honored to have your trust in helping you fulfill it. I know that both you and your children will benefit greatly from it. I also know that this gift will give to them repeatedly and on into other generations. What a family treasure these albums will become! Warmly, Kim

…I have such a hard time putting into words how the principles and ideas in this book can change someone. I have a difficult time just trying to explain the book to someone. It isn’t a book you can explain, you just have to experience it. My enthusiasm with the book has just inspired my husband to reread the book, because he didn’t get as much out of it the first time because it took him so long to get through it. I need to get another copy so I can have a copy to myself and reread it but, I think I’ll take your recommendation and get your other book first. I have a list of people I want to give it to in the ward myself and I think it should be given to all the members he works with. Yet there is still just something about wanting something so badly that you go after it to try to get it yourself. It isn’t something someone can give you. I hope that the people I give this book will take it to heart. I purchased it not knowing much about it, because we were having a book review on it. I’m so glad I did. Yet that is the key, I purchased it. Well maybe these members just need someone to care enough to share. I’ll leave the rest in the Lords hands. Thanks, for living in a way that enabled you to be inspired to help me. Elisa
PS. Just let me know if you would like to be a speaker at a fireside and we’ll get it arranged.

Hello Leslie,
First let me tell you that your book changed my life. I tell everyone I meet about it and want to share it with so many others. My husband and I are the owners of small corporation … and we are hosting a financial workshop in February. I would like to encourage attendees to read this book prior to attending, and I would like to give out more copies than I can count for Christmas. My husband is a bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and this book would be a great inspiration to many members he has to help with their financial matters. I don’t know if I can get a quantity discount as I want to give many away and then was hoping that I could recoup some of the cost and sell the remaining… Please email back as soon as you are able. Thank you for your time, EL

I’m sitting here in my home office, reading your Heavenly Help with Money Matters. I’ve shed quite a number of tears reading about your experiences and relating them to my own. I’ve believed what you’ve written for many years, but I’ve never felt so clear about these concepts as I do with your explanations and examples. You truly have a gift! I am very grateful for your wisdom and insights as well as your generosity in giving this e-book away… Thanks for your time and thoughts! RC

Thanks – talk about manifesting! The Jackrabbit Factor arrived the same day…..I read it at once – great! have to read it again! Thanks, Dianne

Dear Leslie, this is great stuff. I love the part that frequency (vibration) plays in our lives. We have no idea. In a scientific perspective, we now know that there is magnetite in the limbus portion of the brain (we are made of the soil). The magnetite crystal is shaped like two pyramids bottom to bottom. It transmits electromagnetic data and makes it possible for us to understand subconscious and subliminal messages. For all intents and purposes, our brains are super conductors. A super conductor, when tuned, offers no resistance and will receive the same message all the other superconductors on that wavelength receive simultaneously. This is the reason I am so excited about the seven feast days in the Torah. When we gather at the appointed time for the same purpose (as in the feasts/rehearsals like Passover) we are tuned. At that point the Creator can give us whatever message he wants us to broadcast, and we all get it at the same time. We could literally balance the earth with the universe and stop all these upheavals like Katrina. Had you ever related frequency to this situation before? I wanted to let you know that My book got here! Thanks. AD

This is a wonderful thought for the day. Thanks for sending it. (“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” Dr. Robert Muller Chancellor Emeritus of the University for Peace of the United Nations )

Thanks Leslie,
I will certainly respect my access to the lessons. Also thank you very much for your written words and thoughts, they have allowed me to grow, and better achieve my life goals. Your plain English approach is very easy to comprehend and user friendly. Well done. Kind Regards, Chris

I am so glad this e-mail interrupted my day. I kept promising to e-mail you, but I didn’t want to just send you an e-mail that was rushed. I will look at the link later, but must stop and say thank you again. Thank you for the Jack Rabbit Factor and all the wonderful things which have happened since. Meeting your family was a delight and [your husband] is a gift to you. Since Vegas life has been busy and rewarding. Not only was therd an unexpected promotion, but so many other doors have opened and I really have to pause to keep up with all. These days I am watching my thoughts more, but also enjoying the unfolding. I look forward to our next time together. Karen

Hi, Leslie.
We had a brief communication last year… I’ve been pleased to receive your “Thoughts” and see the great work you’re doing. Thanks for doing your share, and more. CP

Hello Leslie! Thank you for offering to share your knowledge with me. I am “stuck” and have an invisible disability which keeps me stuck. I am determined to break out and live my life, with or without pain. I am trying to use the disability time off to gain as much knowledge as I can to improve my life. Since I have found sites like yours, speaking of abundance, success, letting go of fear and finding my own truth, I am excited to learn again and get as “unstuck” as I can… I am sincerely looking forward to reading it. Peace and Abundance, Max

I just got notified that my book is on its way. Oh, joy! 🙂 Althea

That one (Insight of the Day) sounds like getting a degree in engineering haha. Have a good day muti. Jonathan

Just a few thoughts: First is just an inquiry — no hurry — since I’ve got an eBook copy of The Jackrabbit Factor that you gave me a few months ago, but just wanted to know if you have a better idea of when those of us who pre-ordered will get our book? The bigger question is that I have Family, Friends and Associates that I am anxious to “Gift” them a copy of your book. I figure it’s a “Win Win” situation for me, the people I “Gift” your book too (and you). A lesson I learned awhile back called the “Red and Black” game. You actually cover this principle in your book with Randy Mollup teaching Richard. My wife and I went through three courses on becoming in alignment with one’s best self, discovering paradigms of self defeating behaviors etc. Reading your wonderful book has reinforced many of the principles I experienced in through these three courses. I am so grateful to have this book as a quick reference (so to speak) in identifying “what comes up for me and why” and what steps I need to take in resolving them (acting vs. reacting). I have an Attitude of Gratitude on know this is the Law of Abundance. My life has changed drastically over the past few years – for the better. I can personally say that I know these principles you’ve so eloquently put together in a fashion that assists any level of reader in “seeing” (visualizing) the experience in grasping the concept or the principle you’re trying to convey to the reader. Couple of quick examples: My daughter has a pet rabbit (I’m certain you know where I’m going with this) that brings up principles in your book each time I see it (him). When I see a paper bag on the side of the highway or road – I think about how much I don’t just want a paper bag with a half, whole sandwich or two in it – I want a rabbit or two or three…. My wife still hasn’t read you eBook (because you gave it to me – not to pass along to other – I’m buying your book for her to read) but I can hardly wait for her to experience your book. My wife already has experienced many personal manifestations of applying the principles she experienced in the three courses we took together. … The “Attractor Factor” for us just goes on and on (which is also the title of another great book – by Joe Vitale). My Funk – Where I am: (I don’t really feel I’m playing the victim nor having a pity party – just stuck momenarily) Just so you know — my wife has been a great example to me in getting what she wants out of life (something we’ve both just learned these past two years or so) – for I am still working on my own negative behaviors. For example — I went Elk hunting this past weekend and re-read some of your eBook. This time around — I spent a great deal trying to come to terms with my unwillingness or incapability to WRITE down a goal. Most of my reading this time around was towards the end of the book, more especially, with the “Epilogue”. These past few months I have been experiencing high anxiety and what it is that “I WANT TO DO”, “what’s my passion?” I’ve been playing my gig (the thing I do best to avoid facing the man – the challenge or the break through) which is avoidance. I believe I’ve mastered that and own it. At any rate – I wrestled and struggled with the simple task of writing down a goal or even a passion that would help me with my goal. Finally, after re-reading again the epilogue I mustered the conviction to just do it – in spite of how much anxiety it was causing me. (Sad thing – I thought I’d overcome playing the Martyr). Anyway, I started a goal – it’s not much – but it’s a start and it is way out there – bordering on extreme. But hey – it’s a start….. Perhaps, I have some belief about not deserving or that it’s in conflict with my religious belief in that one shouldn’t strive for riches? At any rate – [I live] paycheck to paycheck with so much to be grateful for. I have a wonderful family, children that I love and adore and would do anything for, and a beautiful, patient, adorable and loving wife that means everything to me. She, (like my children) teach me more about me than she will ever know (refer to hear affirmations heretofore mentioned). Lastly, I wrote down an entire page of “things” I get excited about or have a passion for. Then I read what I wrote down and told myself that those “things” could never support a family or the lifestyle we’re currently living (which isn’t much) let alone the Lifestyle of my dreams….. (This confused and frustrated me.) Leslie, I do believe in Karma (attractor factor) – I didn’t believe it or understand it before. But, can tell you that it wasn’t just a coincidence that I stumbled onto “The Jackrabbit Factor”. It happened for a reason and for a purpose. I realize that it is up to me to find that reason and that purpose….. Thank you for another facet of my life and another new world you’ve introduced me too. For the “Insight of the Day” system I am now plugged into – I know a part of each and every one of us needs to feel a part of something and/or have a meaningful part in or purposeful affiliation with something significant. Being plugged into this system has opened up a plethora of greater and more positive opportunities, ideas and experiences with like minded people. I don’t know why – but know I have no remorse – for opening up so much of my personal life to you. I guess it’s my way of letting you know just how grateful I am to you for opening up my mind, arousing my faculties, and awakening me from my complacent, mediocre slumber to a new world of infinite possibilities. Best to you and yours always…

Hi Leslie ~
I haven’t heard from you in a while and thought I would check in and see how you were doing. Hopefully you and your lovely family are healthy and happy. My website is in the works and I am excited to have it complete and plan on linking your web site to mine. I will let you know when that is complete and would welcome your feedback and input. By the way, I love the book!!!! I will definitely be ordering some for my sisters. I find that as I even begin to think about Christmas and buying presents all I want to purchase are books! I have been introduced to so many great books from the seminar. I have so many more that are on my list to read too. It is so exciting to be learning so much. With warmest regards, Lisa

Your book is in Australia

WOW!!! How cool! you’re a celeb.. pretty soon they’ll be reporting what you’re wearing! 🙂 My newsletter is mostly word of mouth at the moment but I know from gathering info that I need to offer a free report on my web page and then from there tell them they will get the newsletter.. seems to get lots more people! CK

Hi Leslie,
Just to let you know that my order has now gone through. I spoke to Kandi actually but then having done a system scan on my pc I got through on my third try. Thanks for your help and for the great offer. Michelle

Thanks Leslie, this couldn’t have come at a better times. I’m really down in the dumps at the moment, marriage and all, but I have chosen to believe it would be well. Thanks so much for your encouragement. I’m from London, England. Lara

Hi Leslie!
My book arrived yesterday — Yahoo! Looking forward to it. Robert

Leslie, Hi,
I filled in a shipping option, but when I press the continue bottom at the bottom, it just returns to to the same page and tells me to fill in a shipping option. On second thoughts, maybe it was just my computer, because it wouldn’t let me in to hotmail either. I will try again and of course let you know what happens. Thanks Leslie. Michelle

Thanks alot Leslie, I appreciate you writing back to me. Yes am willing to do anything that can help me become beter. Am ready to read the story. Send it to me. Many Thanks, Henry

Hi Leslie:
Yes I tried several times but It just doesn’t like my computer! Or maybe heavenly help with MY money matters needs more time to find a solution. (-: But I got Jack Rabbit and I’ll certainly keep it for next Easter. lol. Thanks for writing. Take Care & have a great day. JohnC.

Hello Leslie
I hope you are doing well. Thanks for this opportunity to talk to you. I value any advice that you will extend to me and I will put it into good use. May God bless you. My name is Henry. Am born Again. Am a 25 year old college drop out from Kenya Africa. Due to financial hardships, I was not able to continue with my accounting course though I would have wanted to. After droping from college, I moved from one small thing to another and did odd jobs which were not forthcoming. I with time taught myself the art of making the following products
1. Hand tied fishing flies
2. African curios and crafts. I joined with some other youths and we are now a group of about 20 people. I have have encountered the following problems in my business
1. Lack of capital-Banks here demand excessive collateral for advancing loans. My business is just small and I dont have that kind of security to give. I have in mind a project of starting curio shops in places where tourists visit in our country. I have the products but I would need like money for buying an acre of land and money for setting up a semi-permanent structure. The business is promising but I cant start it without these. The last financial institution that I went to asked for business records, structure and evidence of transactions. The people I could get were only people who I deal with online. They trust me but we only deal with emails. There are therefore no hard records I have been looking for sponsors from here and abroad but I havent found any. People who can believe in you no matter how small you are. I have also been looking for people to partner with me in this business but I have found none. Many people are afraid of being conned and others will not trust my genuiness. However, I am honest and straight forward. What can I do? How do I get any sponsor or partner?
2. Lack of a link with international markets-I would also like to sell my products abroad because there is no market in my country. My products are not necessities and people here are too poor to buy them. I have been looking for ways to sell them to overseas buyers but I dont know who could be interested. Many of those I write to don’t answer me. I think they treat it as junk mail. I have been looking even for people who can agree to start selling our products but I havent gotten any. I know there are curio shops, gift shops, fly shops out there who could buy my products which I sell at a fair prices but i dont have those connections.Those who promise to help me e.g kenyans living in the USa only end up using us and leaving us unhelped.What can you advise me to do? How can I break the market barrier. 3.Lack of a mentor-We are young in business and we dont know alot.We only know how to make the products we do but we know that business is more than that. I always look for someone out there who has more experince or knowledge about business but we havent gotten any. I can’t afford to pay the local business consultants. What can you advise me to do? I need something to help myself and help those with me. How can I get people who can partner with me or sponsors? How can I break the marketing hurdle? Thanks and God bless you. Henry

Thank you. Dana

Dear Leslie,
I actually think I may have received it a few hours ago… (I found it and it’s dated 4:33) I just found it in my Trash – It seems the Spam filters decided it was Spam… I’m sorry for the mixup. I found it and have downloaded it… greatly appreciated Leslie. Ervie

Dear Leslie,
Below is my receipt for having purchased this e-course. Unfortunately after I purchased it, when I clicked on “Click Here to Receive Product” I never was taken to a page that allowed me access to the product…? Could you please direct me how I can access this e-course? Thank you! Ervie

Hello Leslie ~
I have been devouring your book and information on your website. I must say I am impressed and excited that I have met you. I am also so thankful that God deigned it that we should meet at that seminar. I was so blessed this weekend with all the people that I was able to meet. Also, I just love the constant proof that we what we seek is seeking us. Thank you for standing up and making your statement during Loral’s lesson! Please feel free to contact me at any time. Expect Abundance! Lisa

I am reading your Heavenly Help html version and in tears! I have been looking for this type of information for years. I have struggled all my life with money thoughts and to have you put these things in such a wonderful manner and quoting [those books and leaders] is an answer to my prayers. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a voracious student of the scriptures and taught seminary and gospel doctrine for years. I am a favored teacher and love everything about the scriptures. But for some reason, you are reaching an area that I have missed and possibly avoided because of my past. Now I am open to this and you are here explaining it in an LDS setting and this is what I needed. I just wanted to thank you for this … Warmly, Kelly

I met you this last weekend at Bob Proctor in Vegas. We had a wonderful conversation Sunday afternoon and you signed the book I purchased. I read it and loved it and just wanted to talk to you again. If you get a chance, please give me a call. Thanks. Warmly, KS

Thanks so much Leslie. I wish you and your family health, wealth and happiness. Shane

Hi Leslie
sorry for the delayed reply…all is working and I’m thoroughly enjoying it!!! many thanks, Penny

Well… you’ll never guess.. I ran the 5k without pain, even though I had to take excedrin and wrap my shins it was awesome, I did feel energized and I did feel empowered. I ran a 10:57 mile. My goal was a 10 minute mile. So even though it wasn’t a 10:00 minute mile it was still a 10 maybe next time I’ll learn to be specific. And Christian has decided he wants to go on the toilet. Yesterday morning he just asked if he could go on the toilet.. isn’t that cool? Thanks Leslie. Life is all good! AR

WOW!! Ciczara

I’m Renavil …from Philippines. Thanks for all the thoughts that guide me through each day. Again, thanks. 🙂

Hello Leslie, I paid for the e-book and I have not received it yet, can you please assist? I really want to read it today!

I am excited for you and your success with this book, and were it leads you. Don

I’d like to know where I can buy the little magazine, ‘Bits and Pieces’. I used to have one a long time ago but and was hoping to subscribe to it. I’ll appreciate it if you have information on this. Thank you kindly. Paulina

Hi there! I hear you have done radio interviews! I’d like to pass your name on to a friend of mine, he has a weekly newsletter that we in the radio biz read every week…maybe he’ll include you. I know he works with a few big name clients and companies. Would you mind if I pass your name on? Or if you want to contact him directly his email is, I send referrals to him all the time… My Best, Blaire

Dear Leslie,
Thank you for this newsletter it couldn’t have come at a better time for me at this point and time in my life. To think I was just going to delete it because I didn’t want to take the time out or did I have the heart to read it, but I didn’t I opened it and I read every word, thank you. I’m at the point of giving in completly with everything…..but your words have given me a small measure of courage to take another step….something good has got to come out of all the mess in my life. Again thank you so much for your newsletter. Sincerely, PB

Thanks mate 🙂 Rev David Smith

Leslie…I really look forward to your insight everyday. This particular message, I’m going to print for reflection often. Thank you so much. Sharon from St. Louis, MO.

Hey, Leslie,
…Hope we stay in touch – I like the way you think! Pam

I am happy for you for your successful launch of the JackRabbit Factor. I am sure many of us on your partners mailing list are interested to know how things are falling into place for you, so please keep in touch. … I look forward to being one of your affiliates when you launch your affiliate program for your ebook. Rgds, Tim

I am located in Monroe, Georgia! Keep up the good work! Jennifer

Hi Leslie,
Congratulations on your successful launch! Ken

Greetings Leslie,
Thank you for the beneficial links in your P.S. Congratulations on your success! You deserve it and I’m honored to know you! … All the Best, Kathy

Selling on EBay I have just finished the e-course! The final test forced me back through the 7 lessons and by doing that I learned things that hadn’t jelled in my mind. I can see the wisdom of doing something in this program daily! I applied the principles to an eBay listing I had. I needed a certain amount of money, to cover your cost and to cover a pertinant bill I have. The item sold for the amount I desired but will also give more in use value than they paid for it, which is part of what you teach, but it in an auction, it could have sold for so much less. What this program teaches works! I know as I raise money using these righteous principles, that I will be able to take the full Science of Getting Rich program. I have been enriched with peace of mind. I have been enriched with better relationships, I have been enriched to be motivated to study the Lord’s scriptures, and I have seen monetary results this week. I will continue to find more riches with regard to my health. Thank you for making this available and for your gifts and talents in how it is presented. ~ Claire Markwood

Shopping for My Son One year I had been shopping for my son’s school supplies and I had only two items left and all of the stores were sold out. I had to buy a package of markers and scissors. We went to the very last store that I could think of that might have them and I told the Lord that I was exhausted and did not want to go any further. When I got to the store I was told by a salesclerk that this store was also sold out of both items. I told the salesclerk that I did not believe that and that God would provide me with these two items because I was too tired to go anywhere else and in fact there was no place else to go. She told me I could look but she was sure they had no more. I looked and looked but I continued to hold to the fact that somewhere in that store was a pair of scissors and a box of markers for my son. I then had the thought to look in the bin where these items had been previously before being sold out. They had refilled the bins with other items and I searched through these hoping to find what I needed. They were not there. Then I had the thought to look behind the bin against the wall. There, behind the bin, was my package of markers AND scissors. Glory to God. ~ Valerie M.

Credit Card Fraud Last night (Monday night) I got a call from the Visa monitoring service at my bank letting me know that someone had used my Visa check card to purchase $500 worth of online gambling. Of course, it wasn’t me. Someone had fraudulently gotten hold of my card number and used it online. The service told me to call my bank in the morning. As I polled various friends who had had their check cards used fraudulently before, they all told me I should expect to be without my money for at least 30 days. I learned never to use a check card again online, that’s for sure! Fortunately, I’d been using the laws for about 2 months and had enough money in my account so that this $500 theft didn’t unduly strap me, but I sure didn’t want to be out $500 at Christmas time!

So last night I decided to put the laws to the test. I began visualizing a person at the bank who would help me quickly get my money back. For whatever reason, in my mind it was a nice woman who would help me. I also prayed and ask the Lord to bring me the $500 back quickly – at least within the week. I thanked Him and let Him know that I knew He would take care of me and that this money would come from somewhere – whether I’d earn extra to get me through until the chargeback could process or whether somehow the situation would be resolved speedily to get my money back. But after praying, I felt full confidence that the Lord would take care of me. I felt a peace about it and went to sleep.

First thing this morning, I called the Visa service. The first time I called I was slightly misrouted but the man I talked to (notice a man – I had visualized a woman) told me he could still help me. He said that they wouldn’t be able to do anything for me until the charges had actually cleared my bank account. So far they’d just been approved but hadn’t been withdrawn. He said to wait a couple days and call back. He told me how to reach the right department in the future. He actually offered to transfer me to the right department at that time, but said they wouldn’t tell me anything different than he had. So I didn’t bother.

After getting off the phone I decided that since I visualized a woman helping me and the person who helped me had been a man, that I would try back again – and go for the right department this time. What could it hurt? So I called back and waited on hold for quite some time. Finally a woman answered. She was very helpful and told me two important pieces of information no one else had:

1) She would go ahead and assign a claim number. She said she normally wouldn’t do that until the funds had actually been withdrawn from my account, but she would go ahead for me. She also would fax me an affidavit to sign, have notarized and fax back. I received this fax shortly after our conversation and am having it notarized today. 2) Within 5 days of their receipt of my signed/notarized affidavit, they will give me a provisional credit of $500 to my bank account! Although it can take up to 90 days to get money from a charge-back, they are going to give me $500 to use in my bank account. It will take 5 working days to do that. So within a week, I should have my money.

I immediately began praising the Lord. For He is taking care of me just as promised! ~ Marnie Pehrson,

Complete Humility One night I knew I was going to be short on rent, I was lonely, and my new job just wasn’t the perfect fit for me that I thought it would be. I talked to my best friend on the phone and said, “I need a miracle and I need it now. A new job, a new man, SOMETHING!!!” The next night I met my current boyfriend. He works in the field I want to get into and we both really like each other. I got both of my prayers answered. I was awfully humble in that phone conversation with my best friend. I couldn’t hardly talk because I was crying so hard. I learned the joys of completely losing yourself and praying with everything I have. I still need to get out of debt and buy my dream car and get a better job. But now I know I am blessed on my journey. ~ AC

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